Sunday, June 8, 2008

a couple more down

A quick update...I went to Edmonton this weekend with my good friend PK to attend our friend's shower and stagette. It was a complete girls weekend. Lots of good conversations, a chocolate tasting, wine drinking and to top it off, dancing like no one was watching. Yes, it is true...I danced like a maniac and there are pictures to prove it apparently. I was told this morning that there is a montage of my dancing pictures.

As for other list items, I finished reading "28 stories of AIDS in Africa" and am currently reading "The Shack" by William Young. My friend in Turkey recommended this book to me. She says it is great but it will probably become the next "big" book in the Christian community so I should read it before the Prayer of Jabez/purpose driven life mania hits. It may already have hit but I am rather disconnected to the evangelical community that I don't have a clue.

Watched "All About Eve" so another film on my AFI list can be crossed off. Some blog post soon I will share with you all the movies I still have to watch. That will be an exciting blog!

I have now completed 8 things on the list and am in the process of completing 22 items. And that is just in 128 days. Oh my, how time flies when you are having fun or checking things off a list (really, those two things are synonymous to me).

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Slowly but surely

It has been a month (almost) since my last blog tracking the progress of my 101 to-do's. Due to my travels, there has been limited time to fully track what I have done on the list. In fact, I inadvertently almost completed one to-do without realizing it. "To not hit the snooze button for a month" has happened - of course, for 3 weeks I was on vacation but I still had another 9 days of work where I didn't hit snooze. But I did it so it is now checked off the list.

During my travels, I met this fascinating women named Sally. She has this joie de vivre and is constantly trying new things, organizing trips with friends and basically seeing what is out there in life. On the day I met her, she had been at the London National Gallery in a drawing class learning the skill of drawing/painting drapery from the works of the masters. She was trying horseback riding the following day and organizing a trip for friends to the small town in England where they roll a wheel of cheese down a hill amid great festivities. She was an inspiration to me. I think I can get so caught up in my work life that it becomes my life and I forget that work is a means to help live my life.

Now for an update on the list, I have completed the following:

- Travelled to Prague

- Still doing alright with the biting nails but not quite there.
- Made a new friend
- Used some cards picked up in Berlin to make a art project of sorts (see below)

- Planted flowers on my balcony this spring

-Have read:
C.S. Lewis - Four Loves
Zadie Smith - On Beauty

-Am currently reading:
Stephanie Nolen - 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa [READ IT!]

Jane Austin - Lady Susan

As for other things on the list, there appearts to be a motivational issue - as in, my motivation is absent. These items include running, weight loss, finding a faith community and intentionally having people over for a meal.

In June, I have more plans for this list. Bullfrog Power now allows condo owners to purchase the wind power from them so I will sign up for that utility. I plan to start looking for fabric for my living room chair. I found a great website that gives step-by-step instructions to reupholster a chair. I also plan to purchase an external hard drive that will hold all my music and photos rather than taking up space on the computer. Oh, the excitement of my life.

I have an opportunity to help on a Habitat for Humanity build in Brooks, AB in a couple of weeks however, I will be in Banff for a client event the night before so I have to see if I can juggle the schedule.

Stay tuned, there are only 880 days left.