Sunday, October 26, 2008

The 101 list is being neglected

I hope to re-start my list in derailed slightly over the past 4 months and I was struggling with whether or not a life to-do list was even necessary or relevant to me. But what I realized is that my life is about how I live it and to grant myself grace when necessary. Doing things I love, that bring joy, that challenge me and that ultimately change me...that is what this list is about. So here is the past 2-month update:

10 km run - in untypical fashion, I made a mistake about the date of the run I signed up for thus missing the run. Technically, I have run 10 km....just not in a race but in lots of training. It was a tough day. However, to redeem myself (or punish - I am not sure which), I committed to running a 1/2 marathon next May...I am running with a friend so I should get the date right this time around.

Faith based community - the past 2 weeks, I attended a gathering which is fairly un-churchy. I plan to connect with their relational pastor and see what type of involvement there is...they speak of taking water to the world...being a blessing of love to people in our lives. It seems to fit with the journey I am currently on - love God, love others - simple faith.

Creativity - just some ink drawings...i love one in particular - a dragonfly. It may show itself on gifts this Christmas. I hope to make this holiday pure make-sies and philanthropic in nature. (just a warning to my family). I also made my Halloween costume - I was a gold digger. Pictures to follow in future post.

Friends over - I am making up for lost time recently. In the past week, I had friends over four times for dinner/lunch or breakfast. I hope to continue this habit.

Running - well, during the training for the race, I was running 3-4 times a week. I am now doing a once a week "regiment". In February, I will be upping the training in prep for the 1/2 marathon (am I insane?)

Photo printing - I printed Asia and Europe trip photos to put in frames. Still have a few more to print but it is progress.

Purging - Perhaps my purging is semi-annual. I took another load to charity in September. That is twice this year.
Fabulous women letters - I am just completing the first one tonight. It should be in the mail this week.

Sunrise - Ok, it wasn't purposeful. But I saw the most amazing prairie sunrise (and sunset) during a business trip to Northern Alberta. I left Edmonton at 7 a.m. when it is still dark and the sunrise did not disappoint. I am counting it!!!

Voting - participated in the Canadian federal election in October. For the first time, I did the advance vote as the actual election day was so busy for me.

Girls Weekend - am planning a girls weekend with 4 of the posse in Lake Louise for mid-November. Yeah!!!

However, despite the update of my 101 list, the simplicity of the following photo does hold appeal.