Sunday, March 1, 2009

Once a month works well

As I am well into year 2 of this crazy 101 things in 1001 days, I thought I would resort to updating the list once a month. The first weekend works well. Here is a brief update for the past 4 weeks:

Q&A (Slumdog Millionaire)
Dreams From My Father
The Yaris Driving Manual

Watched from the AFI list:
Bridge Over the River Kwai

-Started my training for the 1/2 marathon
-Currently giving 9% of my salary to my retirement (still need to increase to 10%)
-Attended another Girls' Weekend at a cabin on Anchor D Ranch...well, it was girls and Dan.
- been working through some Lenten meditations on what it means to live simply and without the extras...rather than give up something, this Lent, I am seeking to enjoy what I have.
-Working on taking my lunch to work....did it 3 times last week. I think I am going to adjust the 101 item to bringing my lunch 4 times a week for 4 weeks.  There is always opportunity to meet up with friends so don't want to say no just because of a silly list.
-Am at 2030 things on my happy list

Not a really exciting month in the 101 journey...hopefully March will turn out a bit better.